Sunday, July 22, 2007


One of the most impressive urban parks we've seen anywhere is the Vigeland Sculpture Park (Vigelandsparken) in Oslo. It is the home of hundreds of sculptures, created in the 20's and 30's, by Norwegian artist Gustav Vigeland depicting the "humanity of life." Refreshing to see public art that doesn't represent royalty or some sort of military victory. Also nice that you can interact with the art ... the kids enjoyed climbing all over the sculptures. While tourists busily snapped pictures of all the art, the locals hung out on the grassy areas sunbathing, playing soccer and having barbecues.


BG said...

That was the first attraction we were taken to when we first arrived in Oslo 36 years ago, and I agree with you, it is a very striking sight. For Keith it might seem like De Jur Vu.

Unknown said...

How long did it take to get to Oslo by train?
Dad was there 55 years ago and I heard all
about it. I don't think Oslo has changed.
It most be a beautiful country. The food doesn't
look very exciting. Did you have some whale

Jan said...

I love that the sculptures are intended to be interacted with. Certainly an avant-garde idea for the 20's!

I'm sure it will have a lasting impression on the girls, as it must have had on you KW.

I've seen some of these pieces before in books, but I am not familiar with the artist.

Is the first month really almost over?!