Monday, July 23, 2007

garden city

The flat we have been staying in is in a community/housing development known as Havebyen which translates to mean "Garden City." It was built during the 1910's to resemble an English country village. So here we are here in the heart of Oslo surrounded by gardens and lots of greenery; we can hop on the nearby subway and be downtown in about four or five stops. There is a small grocery store here and a bakery that has the best freshly baked breads and pastries (to be consumed with butter and gobs of freshly made strawberry preserves!). We are about a five minute walk from the University of Oslo.


Jan said...

Can't get over how beautiful it is there. When I enlarged the first photo, I thought I saw KW walking in front of the building? Am I seeing things?

Lucky you just happen to have such a wonderful bakery!

keith said...

Yes, that is me. Can you find one of my daughters? One of our hosts is in the picture too.

Jan said...

There's a lot more going on here than is immediately evident, huh?! Love it!

I THOUGHT that might be A. sitting on the sculptures...And then there's the man with the beard.